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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Your Dream Role May be Closer than You Think

Job hunting? Your dream role may be closer than you think

1. Leave your frustration behind
Chances are, if you’re in the market for a new job, things aren’t exactly perfect in your current situation. Whether it’s the company, the manager or the role, most job seekers are on the hunt for something better, and frustration with salary or title is often a key motivator. Today, over 50% of Americans are unhappy at work — but in today’s high-turnover job market, the "why" matters more than ever. If your dissatisfaction isn’t fixable, you’re better off trying out something new. But for those (many) of us whose frustration lies in management, duties or even internal communication, keeping an open mind is the first step to finding an alternative.

Start by doing some internal research on positions, departments or teams that intrigue you — keeping in mind that, while new interests are often commendable, the likelihood of a complete career 180 is slim; so eliminate the less-than-logical choices. Then, consider the true pain points of your current position, and how those would translate to a new one. Knowing yourself, your skills and your company gives you the advantage: You know how you potentially fit with the goals and objectives of the team, which already puts you one step ahead of other hopeful applicants.

2. Recruit your allies
Once you have an idea of what your ideal transition would look like, landing a new opportunity within your own company requires some support. Naturally, doing research and investigating your options ignites a bit of fear — if you confide in someone about how you’re feeling, will your manager get angry? Could this affect your experience at the company, and the work you’ve put in?

It likely won’t, as long as you’ve got a supportive team by your side. Of course, fostering a strong relationship with your manager is high priority — as long as he or she is not the reason you’re ready to move on. As they know your work, motivations and personality, your superiors have the potential to be your biggest advocate throughout the job hunting process. Additionally, work on the relationships you have with people outside of your department. Talk to different managers about growth opportunities and what they value in a team member. Not only will you find out precious information about your company’s philosophy, but you’re also building a team of advocates to help smooth your transition.

3. Don’t get pigeonholed
As you continue further down your career journey, it’s natural to get a little bit pigeonholed. Today, as a CMO, most people know me as solely a marketer. But years ago, at a past company, I moved from marketing to the product team, and people still came to me for campaign strategy. I’ll admit it: It was hard to get people to see me in a different role.

Being firm and strong in your new role is essential to making a smooth transition. Being firm and strong in your new role is essential to making a smooth transition. No one is asking you to leave behind your former self — I certainly didn’t. Assert your new position and the knowledge that comes with it, whether that’s learning a new skill or going to meet-ups that support your career change. Don’t let your colleagues forget why you made the move: Because you’re the best person for the job. Plus, there's little harm in taking on a project or accepting advice from your old department — just think of it as diversifying your skills.

The bottom line: Taking control of your career means being strategic about the journey. The modern job seeker has no room for passivity. Landing your next opportunity means being dedicated to making the right choice, and if that choice lies within your own company, you owe it to yourself to at least try. You never know: Maybe the grass isn’t greener after all.

Excerpted from: internal job hunting

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